What Should I Do About Power Saw Accidents at Work?

We're happy to share insights from our doctors.
power saw accident

A work-related power saw accident can have disastrous consequences. When an accident occurs with this type of power tool, it can create deep lacerations that damage the joints, tendons, and nerves. When the damage is severe enough, a work-related power saw accident might even require surgery or even occasionally amputation.

Types of Work-Related Power Saw Accidents

Power saws are designed to cut through materials that are much stronger than human tissue and bone. Accordingly, these tools can produce a number of different injuries at work, including:

  • Finger Injuries — Power saws can create deep lacerations, dislocations, and fractures of the fingers and thumbs.
  • Hand Fractures — Exposure to a live power saw can break or fracture parts of a hand, including the fingers and wrist.
  • Tendon Injuries — Power saws have the necessary power to cut through tendons that connect muscles to bone.
  • Detachments — Injury from a power saw can result in complete detachment of a finger, hand, or other limb from the rest of the body.
  • Nerve Injuries — Power saws can damage the nerves that transmit signals from the brain to other parts of the body, such as fingers, hands, and wrists.

Treatment for Work-Related Power Saw Accidents

Work-related accidents involving power saws can be incredibly severe. As a result, accidents involving power saws ordinarily necessitate professional care. Treatment options in these circumstances can include:

  • Resetting & Realigning — If a power saw accident results in joint dislocation or fracture, it may be necessary to reset and realign the affected joint to restore proper function and mobility.
  • Reconstructive Surgery — If a power saw accident leads to tendon or nerve damage, it may be necessary to reconstruct the damaged area to resolve the problem.
  • Amputation — If a power saw accident causes irreparable damage, it may be necessary to amputate the finger.

In order to diagnose the proper treatment options for a work-related power saw accident, a licensed physician should examine the injury immediately. After a physical examination and tests — such as an x-ray or occasionally an MRI — a qualified surgeon can recommend an ideal treatment plan to minimize the impact of the injury and ensure a speedy recovery.

Do You Need Medical Care for a Work-Related Power Saw Accident?

If you suffered a work-related power saw accident, it can be especially helpful to reach out to a proficient hand surgeon. At Midwest Hand Surgery, we have decades of combined medical experience with finger, hand, and wrist injuries, including power saw accidents in the workplace. With same-day treatment for severe injuries and surgical facilities on site, we can handle a wide range of finger, hand, and wrist conditions.

To ensure the highest quality of treatment for our patients, Midwest Hand Surgery physicians employ a hands-on approach with all patients. We do no employ physician assistants. Our physicians see the patients themselves. If you need medical care for a work-related power saw accident, contact us today to get a professional opinion on potential next steps.

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